Signature of a partnership with ICAFE

As of September 25th 2018,

In the frame of its mission of promoting quality education as a key factor of human development and progress, Ambassador Bernard Hennet, on behalf of the ICAFE*, officially launches, through the signature of the present document, “Education through Technical Language” in partnership with LC&D represented by Alain Levamis.

This programme recognized as of high educational and economic development value, shall help people all around the word widen their educational and professional outlooks through the promotion of Technical Language Certificates.


* ICAFE Intergovernmental Collaborative Action Fund for Excellence –

Servette Football Club 1890 (GENEVA -SWITZERLAND)

Football Spoken concluded at the end of 2017 with the club Genevois a training contract for the coaches and the players of the academy.

With diplomas at the end, students are trained in English from a distance and in the field and will take the final exam in a few months.

Another proof of the need to master the English language on a daily basis in the football environment!

Olympic Marseille

July 2017…

Football Spoken wins the tender for the management of the EETP Olympique de Marseille!

Teaching and administration of dedicated staff, Football Spoken recognized for its excellence by the club continues its growth.